How To Choose Music

Choosing music for your athletic performance doesn't have to be overwhelming. Below are a few tips to help you make a great music choice!

First, TALK!

Talk to your coach and/or choreographer about your strengths that you want to highlight in your performance.

Are you a strong tumbler? You may want to choose percussion-based music or perhaps a straight-up rock and roll song.

If you are a ballerina, you may score well with a classical music piece.

Do you have a fun personality that always shines through? You may want a piece of 50's music, something from Broadway ….. or perhaps a cartoon music track.

Yes, you get it …. your music reflects you!! So, talk about exactly what strengths you want to reflect!

Second, LISTEN!!

Once you've determined your style of music -- start listening!

Listen carefully -- your music reflects you and you will perform to this music for at least one competitive season, if not two!

Remember, you are listening to music NOT lyrics ….. Try not to sing along as you LISTEN … at the same time, be sure that the music engages you!

Our music demos can be heard on-line 24/7 in their entirety -- no short samples @ Energym Music.

Finally, CHOOSE!!!

Narrow your choices to 2-4 songs.

Play them for your choreographer and/or coach.

Together, choose a song that you love -- if you love your music -- you will perform well and the judges will watch your every move!!

Have a Great Season & Enjoy Your Energym Music